04 Aug Jamestown wants to be the Cooperstown of Comedy. Seriously
Buffalo News
By Tim O’Shei August 4, 2017
JAMESTOWN — Kelly Carlin’s father, the late comedy icon George Carlin, taught her a lesson. She, in turn, has been teaching it – and exploring it, and pushing it – this week.
“My dad taught me that the comedian’s job is to find the line,” Carlin said, “and cross it.”
Carlin shared that morsel – one of 10,000 or so that her dad left behind – one afternoon this week in the lobby of the former Jamestown train station. Next summer, if construction stays on schedule, this spot will be the home of the National Comedy Center, a $50 million project that Carlin helped catalyze by donating the archives her father left in several neatly organized trunks when he died in 2008.